Archive for the ‘Online Condolences’ Category
CBS2 – Condolences For Officer Randy Simmons
Veteran LAPD SWAT Officer Randy Simmons was killed and Officer James Veenstra was critically injured in a shootout with a gunman inside a Winnetka home Feb. 7. Your Letters And Condolences:
Randy and I went to Fairfax High together. Randy was on the football team and I was first the Mascot Lion, then Cheerleader. We traveled to football games every other friday together on the bus. He was a wonderful person and well loved at Fairfax High. Later, our paths cross without even knowing. Rosebowl: I was a USC Flag Girl and we played against Washington State. Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow him in all the days of his life and he shall dwell in the house of the Lord for Ever and Ever. In the Name of Jesus, AMEN -Robin
To the Simmons family, This message is being sent with a very heavy heart. Randy was one of my best friends at Fairfax High School. We were part of the “Buff 6” the 6 closest of friends in high school with goals and objectives of having a positive impact in society. Randy has done just that. Randy and the Simmons family had a very positive impact in my life growing up in Los Angeles. Randy will always be loved and remembered for his Big Heart and enthusiasm. Please accept our condolences. Love always, –Wendell DT Phoenix, AZ
Hey Jimmy, here’s a message from your family in the Netherlands, we heard what happened on the news, hope you will be ok soon. –Aunt Els and their children Micky, Linda, Inge, Reggy. –Rene and the rest of the family
May God comfort police officer Randy Simmons’ family and heal officer James Veenstra. –Elsa M
About 10 years ago I worked on the television show “LAPD: Life on the Beat”. After covering the North Hollywood Shootout in ’97, I then went on to cover the SWAT team exclusively for about 6 months. My partner and I were taken in with open arms and given incredible access to their unit. Simply put, it was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve had in 12 years of working in the entertainment business and my respect for these officers could not be any higher. I remember working with Randy Simmons and was shocked to hear of what about in Winnetka last week. I vividly remember working with Randy and remember him as a great, warm guy. He was always friendly, courteous and open to us and really made us feel at home. My heart goes out to the Simmons & Veenstra families, as well as the entire LAPD family! God Bless!! –Dave W.
Keep up the great work and doing what only the LAPD SWAT team can do! To the family of Brother Randy, I just watched the CBS segment of how Randy was a believer in Christ and how he was involved in youth ministry. I too minister to a youth group at Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley and just praise the Lord that Randy was willing to serve the Lord and touch so many in his life. I too use to work in law enforcement and have many friends working for LAPD and other agencies as well and we’re so very saddened by this tragedy. My hope for you as his family is to see that he not only served the Lord God but his brethren, his community and faithfully at that. I too have lost many a loved one and know the ache the heart suffers in such a time but pray that the Lord comforts your heart as only He can and brings not only joy to you over time and as His Word says, works this for the good. I’ve seen over and over Jesus working things seemingly so horrible for the good in ways so miraculous it blows your mind and I imagine this will come to pass for those Randy touched through his life. I pray too that your faith will not waiver in this time and know that Paul said, ” To live is Christ, to die is gain.” It’s so hard to see someone so dedicated to do good taken so young but a child of God taken is someone now in paradise, face to face with the Lord Almighty. Randy will forever be happy, I pray that all his family & friends stay in faith and or come to faith in Christ so that in time you’ll be able to see him again for all time. May the joy of the Lord be your strength. –Kevin S.
Our prayers and thoughts are with Officer Simmons Family through this difficult time.. May God Bless each and everyone of you and keep you strong. Our prayers are with Officer Veeristra and family, may he have a speedy recovery and May God Bless him and keep him safe. Both Officers are remarkable heroes. Thank you for your bravery and courage –The Olim Family, Huntington Beach
To The Simmons Family, Randy Simmons was a very positive influence starting at the tender age of eight, I came to a church with my mother that Randy Simmons was an involved member and active through a very unique way. Uncle Randy as many of the kids at church called him was highly determined about helping those whom couldn’t help themselves in a spiritual manner. He started an auxiliary at church first called “The Bus Ministry” this was a well thought out program designed to go into the roughest of housing projects in the inner city and tell them about God as well as feed them, play with them, and all the while giving them a safe gathering place where they didn’t have to worry about safety because they were safe. Not only did I go on several outreach drives with him, I also had him Briefly as a Sunday school teacher. His lesson of God and Life were no different, as a matter of fact he displayed them physically everyday. He greatly emphasized that you have to know the bible and word of God just as a song you enjoy. He was a very energetic man and often referred to sports or physical fitness in terms of the Lord. He made analogies to the bible with sports and even his own sports career…he would say nothing is permanent but the Word of God. As I moved on to go to High School at Verbum Dei in Los Angeles I had many times when I came across Uncle Randy a lot more. The reason being is that Verbum Dei is located directly in a front wedge of the Nickerson Garden projects… a place where Unlce Randy felt deeply about through his earthly and spiritual work. There were several instances where there were shootings in those projects early in the morning right before school and would cause school to be canceled for the day. Those were situations when I didn’t have to see him to know he was protecting me as well as those he loved for the purpose of love. Out of all the lessons that I learned from Uncle Randy I learned never to fear…I learned this the very first time I went to The Hacienda Heights projects in which he told not to be afraid but to be confident and watchful. He was a great man and leader I miss him dearly and wish before I left to go back to School in Philly that I could say goodbye. Goodbye Uncle Randy – The SWAT Prototype –Ronald M., 19
As members of this neighborhood, living only 2 houses from this all, we first want to send out our prayers and thoughts to Officer Simmons’ family and to tell them that they are thought of and cared for by many. They are in the hands of God. We pray for Officer Veenstra’s recovery and send out support to his family and know that they are loved and supported. We also want to say thank you to the LAPD and the SWAT team as well as the LAFD for protecting us all through this and always. All the families effected by this tragedy are in our thoughts. –The Chastain Family
To The Randy Simmons Family, My most sincere condolences to you during this time of your deepest loss. Be strong! Stay prayed up! Be encouraged! God will provide…and he will carry you through! Our Minister Randy has gone on ahead as God has guided his path according to HIS plan! He was truly a strong soldier in God’s army! I remember just a few months ago when he delivered the word at our Sunday morning service at GCFI…such an inspiring message spoken from deep within his soul. He was so on fire with the word that he couldn’t get it all said fast enough! (smile) It was truly apparent that his life was committed to our God, his family and his career in keeping us all safe. Thank you Randy for making the ultimate sacrifice. You will truly be missed. Rest in Peace. And, to Officer Veenstra, thank you and I wish you a speedy recovery. –Kathy C
My constant prayers are with you. Jim sounds like an honorable man and a truly gifted public servant. It will be an honor to prayer for a man and an officer of this caliber. I will pray until he is healed physically, mentally and emotionally. I am asking God to envelop you, Michelle, in His arms and give you strength through His amazing sovereignty, mercy and love. I am asking God to touch Jim and heal him–I believe He will. God Bless you and your family. May he reign down His power upon you , Jim and your family through this difficult time. Blessings –Robin R
Hey Matt it’s Big Ricky I wanted to express my condolences for your loss. I know that your dad was a great man who was always looking to help someone out. Everything he did is greatly appreciated and he will never be forgotten. He always was telling me that I needed to get bigger and stronger; he really did care about all of our well-beings. I know it is a very difficult time in your life but keep your head up and pray to God for guidance. Just know that even though he is not here any more he will always be watching over you and your family. If you ever need anyone to talk to know that I am here. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. –Big Ricky and Family
To the Simmons Family: My prayers and thoughts are with you during this difficult time. To Officer Veenstra a complete and speedy recovery. As a fellow Law Enforcement Officer, I grieve with you and with the rest of the brothers and sisters in BLUE. As we all know, Randy had a calling from our lord and patron Saint, Saint Michael. Randy serving a special detail in Heaven, until the time when we can all be there. Randy Gods speed, my Brother — A fellow Law Enforcement Officer
To the families of the slain and injured officers, There are no words to express to you the depth of sorrow. My little brother is also an LAPD officer. I believe to lose one, it could have been any one of them For the widow, my dearest draw on your faith and may GOD give you and your family the strength to get through this time. Yours was a love not long enough but deep enough to past an eternity. God only picks the brightest flowers for his garden He did so much good while he was here. What an amazing man, As for the injured officer I wish all of you a speedy recovery. God bless you for your bravery. May you be safe and well and recover from your injuries with Gods speed. Love, Your sister, –Natalie K
I’ve lived in Winnetka 40 of my 53 years of life. It was a tragedy hearing about the Winnetka shootings. The families of the downed and killed officiers are in my thoughts and prayers. –Gary F
Dear Lisa & Family, We are so saddened to hear of your tragic loss. We are praying constantly for you and your family. God is able to provide you strength and peace one day at a time. Be confident in knowing that Randy is with the King of King and Lord of Lords. Thank God for Jesus! We are here for you. Love and our prayers. –Judy & Duane M & Family
Officer Veenstra, You are a hero. My entire family is praying for your full recovery. Thank you for officers like you. –Batol Family West Hills, CA Our prayers are with Officer James Veenstra and his family. WhEn one brother hurts WE ALL HURT. I pray our Lord will watch over Officer Veenstra in his time of need as his life was dedicate to protecting the needs and rights of others. Respectfully, –Chief Christopher MP Sugar Notch Police Dept, Luzerne County Pa
You really don’t think about how dangerous this job is until a tragedy occurs. As an officer, we just do whatever it takes to protect citizens, so we can go home at night. In the end, a hero is down and another seriously injured. I did not know either officers, but both are my brothers and I just want to thank Officer Simmons and Officer Veenstra for their dedication. Both are role models whom are admired by all officers. I know Officer Simmons is still with us. He will never be forgotten. I wish Officer Veenstra a speedy recovery. We need you out there! –SS LAPD
Although I did not know Randy Simmons personally, it brings a tear to my eyes knowing today we lost a brother in blue. A brother who so selflessly promised to serve and protect the members of his community. Then on this dark day he was called upon to give the ultimate sacrifice for the oath he took. Randy Simmons and his family are in my Department’s thoughts and prayers. “The Final Inspection” “The policeman stood and faced his God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shining. Just as brightly as his brass………………… Step forward now, policeman, You’ve borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on Heaven’s streets, You’ve done your time in hell.” –Author Unkown
Hi Lisa Simmons, I am sharing your sadness with you and your family. So you will not be lonely. So you don’t have to cry. Your husband was a great police officer at LAPD. –Dave K Los Angeles, CA
2nd Timothy (4:7-8) I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. May the peace of the Lord comfort you all during this time. –Viewer
To the Simmons Family, I’m from North Hollywood but I now live in Manhattan, NY, as I attend school at NYU Stern. I was very saddened when I heard the news about this horrible tragedy that happened to your family. This not only affects you, but it also affects me and the rest of us that care. Officer Simmons was obviously a brave man and will be deeply missed. He seemed like such a great person, and I wish I could’ve known him. My heart and prayers go out to you. May this never happen again. Officer Veenstra, I hope you get better very soon. Thank you for protecting us. Best regards, –Jimmy
A My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Officer Simmons. I am saddened by the tragic news of his death and know he will be missed by so many people. Surely his wonderful ministry outreach program will suffer a great void without his presence also. May God give a “peace that passes all understanding” to those who loved him and are grieving this terrible loss in their lives. Sincerely, –D. Dimel Newport Coast, CA
To the Simmons Family, My deepest sympathy to the Simmons family. I meet Randy when he was a CRASH officer, what a big gentleman. I will always remember his beautiful smile. May God be with you all. –Vera Los Angeles, CA
I am very sorry for the loss of Officer Simmons. We will continue to pray for the recovery of Officer Veenstra. LAPD is and will always be a role model for all police departments nation wide. Respectfully, –Senior Officer Ibarra- Police Supervisor Northwest Arkansas Regional Police Department
To the families of Officer Simmons and Officer Veenstra, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Officer Simmons and Officer Veenstra are remarkable heroes who displayed the utmost strength, bravery and courage that we all aspire to have. –K & G El Equipo Tactico de Costa Rica, llamado SPII (Servicio Policial de Intervención Inmediata) envía nuestra condolencias a la familia del Oficial Randal Simmoms, los equipos SWAT estamos unidos como uno solo, no importa el pais, a la familia del oficial Veenstra nuestro apoyo también. –SPII Costa Rica
To The Simmons and Veenstra Families, As I was driving into work this morning after hearing the tragic news, I felt a sense of personal lost, without even knowing these Honorable Officer’s. I have the utmost respect for all police officers, and even more respect for SWAT Officers. These SWAT Officer’s and their team members know without a doubt, that each call may be their last call, and are still willing to walk directly into the face of death, so that the rest of society can live freely. I feel that no citizen should ever forget the ultimate sacrifice that Swat Officer Randal Simmons gave willing, and the close brush with death that Swat Officer James Veenstra had this morning. May each family find comfort in knowing that these Officers paid a high price, doing what they truly believed in, Protecting and Serving the Citizens of Los Angeles. God Bless All of You. –G Stewart Lancaster, CA
To the Family of a Fallen Hero (Randal Simmons) I would like say may God bless you and family. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Although I didn’t meet Officer Simmons I am very sad that his Family and the SWAT lost one of their best men. To the Family of a Brave Man (James Veenstra) I wish you a fast Recovery. Thank you for your services to our communities. You guys are heroes. May God bless you and your family. With Sympathy and Respect for All LAW ENFORCEMENT –Irene Garcia Lakewood
We are both so sorry for the loss of Randy Simmons. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and fellow officers. Thank God for people like Randy Simmons and James Veenstra who dedicate their lives to protecting the rest of us…we are very grateful for their service. James Veenstra will be in our prayers for a full recovery and we will keep his family in our prayers as well. Sincerely, –Ron and Peggy V To the Simmons Family, My heart goes out to you. Although I never met Mr. Simmons, his life story has touched the very core of my spirit. I can’t stop crying and thinking about what a wonderful person and the impact he had on so many people. But I do know that Mr. Simmons served an awesome God and the promise from God will to turn this evil tragedy into something good. My prayer is that the young people will continue Mr. Simmons legacy and honor him by building their lives solid as a “rock” and to always put God first in all that they do. May God’s love and peace comfort you during this time. Blessings, –Rhonda Lakewood
Dear Simmons family, I will always keep you in my prayers. May God bless you always. Randy was a lovely person and I knew him well. –Henrietta West Orthopedic Hospital Foundation My deepest heartfelt sympathies to the family of Randy Simmons. I remember Randy well from my high school days and will miss him deeply. May God bless his soul. –Rhonda
To the family of Officer Randal Simmons:My prayers and condolences go out to the family of Officer Randy Simmons. There is an old saying, ‘The Good Die Young”, and Randy was that GOOD. I did not know either officers but my fiancé, who is retired from the SWAT Unit of the Los Angeles Police Dept. knew them very well. In fact, he ran into Randy and Officer Veenstra, who he affectionately called (JIMMY V), Two weeks ago at the credit union. He came home to tell me about their encounter and said how they laughed because they were bringing up old times. He said Randy was such a good Christian and powerful man, not only in size, but in spirit. He remembered that at all the SWAT dinners Randy would lead them in prayer. We were both devastated when we heard the news. I know that these officers, whether in SWAT or Patrol on the streets, are truly dedicated individuals who should be looked at with PRAISE. Randy gave his life doing what he loved to do, TO PROTECT AND SERVE. Whatever God sent Randy on this earth to do it has been accomplished so he said, “Son come on home now, your job here is done”. Through his death I feel that the people of Los Angeles will realize that LAPD officers and the SWAT team is here to help them and ready to put their lives on the line for them. GOD bless all the Police Officers and I pray for a speedy recovery for Officer Veenstra. I know we will all see Officer Randy Simmons again, he has just GONE HOME. Sincerely, –Leslie
Dear Lisa, Gabby & Matthew, We are so very saddened over your loss. Randy touched so many lives and hearts. We feel so much sorrow for your family and though words will never take the pain and sorrow away remember that God always has a plan. Randy has touched so many lives and done so much for others that his service was done and God wanted him home with him. Lean on the strength of wonderful memories and touching moments. We have known your family for many years while our girls have grown up together at Trinity and you all have always been such a blessing to us. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you during this difficult time. Love, –Patrica, Brianna & Nathan M
I am very sorry for what happened yesterday I hope that this never happens again in the LAPD & SWAT Members and The Veenstra Family: I hope that you get well, I know how hard is it to feel how you do, so get better soon. Love –Jeff
Yesterday I woke up to the awful news that two officers were down in a shooting in Winnetka, one fatally. My heart goes out to the Simmons family, the LAPD and the City of Los Angeles for the tragic loss of a special human being. Rest in peace, Officer Simmons. Speedy recovery, Officer Veenstra. We need you. –Judith F Woodland Hills
Randall Simmons was well known to those of us who volunteer at the Children’s Christmas Party at Orthopedic Hospital. He was large, warm, kind and firm. We enjoyed his dry sense of humor. He loved children and everyone loved him. Randall touched many lives and he was a positive role model for the LAPD and SWAT. He made a wonderful impression on our son who will be a fan of SWAT forever. Andy looked forward to seeing Randall and “the SWAT guys” at the hospital when we volunteered at Christmas. We are all immensely saddened by his loss and our hearts go out to his family and friends and to the communities he served so well.–Priscilla R Las Amigas de Las Lomas
I went to Fairfax High with Randy… many of us who did have been on the phone since we received this tragic news… everyone of us is saddened beyond comprehension and in reminiscing, only the kindest words have been exchanged with the utmost respect and affection. Randy always had a smile and nothing less than a kind word for everyone who crossed his path, and this was how he was in high school, a time when many kids are self absorbed, not Randy, he was always sincere and genuinely caring. To his wife, children, parents, sibling and fellow officers, our condolences. This is a massive loss. To Randy, a huge hug and thank you for everything. –– Bess GW
Rest in peace, brother. –OC Sheriff
I wanted to send my condolences to the Simmons Family! I have said a prayer for your family that you may be comforted with peace during this time that only God can give. I also have said a prayer for Officer James Vennstra for a speedy recovery and peace to his wife and family as well. –Govjayna D
To my friend Randy, To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. –Ralph W
I met Randy 27 years ago at muscle beach lifting weights. He was just out of the academy eager and excited about his new job and ready to make a difference. Randy was seriously committed to being physically fit and it was with that same commitment he would approach life. I had not seen Randy in about 12 years but anyone that knew him knows that one he accepted you as a friend you were a friend for life. I have lost a friend, his family has lost a loved one but the world has lost a true humanitarian, RIP. My condolences to the family. —Joe
I wish to offer condolences to the family of Officer Simmons. I can see that he was an outstanding individual and a caring, giving person. It is so sad to see a badly needed role model no longer with us. But he will not be forgotten and his excellent example of what a man really is will live on in the hearts of those who he helped and those who know him. –C. Williams
To ALL of the Personnel involved in the incident Wednesday Night, I spent a “terrifying night” alone only a few blocks just northeast from the scene and would like to commend all of you for the tremendous effort you put forth in trying to stop this situation. I heard the first police response at 9:00 p.m. and continued to know not what was going on, but the seriousness of the situation, as more and more vehicles passed our home, the helicopters all night, the pleading with the suspect to come out, more helicopters, the tear gas explosions, the flash grenade explosion, the gun shots, the fire, the quiet and then the cloud of smoke settling and the acrid odor of the remaining “tear gas” and the feeling of discomfort in my eyes. I could not go to work yesterday, as I was afraid I would not be able to get back home. My thanks to the Media for their coverage of this situation. We oftentimes complain about the Media but yesterday they were our “eyes” to this situation. We could hear what was going on, but to see it, the Media was the only way that any of us knew what was occurring. To the Personnel at Northridge Medical Center: I know the care that Officers Simmons and Veenstra received was top notch as I have recently been to your Emergency Room on 4-5 different occasions in the last 7 months and have seen the Trauma Teams in action. I know your efforts were as heroic for these Officers as they were for my family member. It must have been terribly difficult for you also not really knowing how many more patients you were going to be receiving as this incident progressed. We must remember the Rivera family with our condolences also. They did not choose this. I commend all of you who were involved in the horrific incident and send my express condolences to the Simmons family and best wishes to the Veenstra family for Officer Veenstra’s speedy recovery. Oh, what a night. –Cathy
To the Simmons and Veenstra Families, Randy and James are true heroes. My family and I express our deepest sympathies for Randy and his family and wish James a speedy recovery. We wish to thank both families for the sacrifices they have made so that Randy and James could serve their community with pride. Our thoughts and prayers go out to both families. –Sgt. Kelly C Brea PD
I played a superhero on television’s ‘Who Wants To Be A Superhero,’ I played the iron/dark enforcer, mine was a fictional character, after watching the news story about the brave officer and all the amazing lives he touched through the years, adults and children alike, I am humbled beyond belief, who is the real superhero? Mr. Simmons is. My deepest deepest condolences to the family. –Steel C
We are thankful to have brave men and woman like Officer Simmons and Veenstra to help us in times of need. I am so sorry for the loss of Officer Simmons’ life in the line of duty and we hope for a recovery for Officer Veenstra. My families’ prayers go out to their families. –Mary D
To the entire Los Angeles Police Dept., Our hearts and prayers go out to you all. We do deeply appreciate what you all do on a daily basis as a job/career. Prayers especially to slain SWAT officer Simmons and his family. Get well to the surviving SWAT officer and his family. We also pray for the victims’ family for their loss. But know this, you all make our city a much better place to live. GOD BLESS YOU ALL –Phyllis W Pomona, CA
Dear Matt & Family: We are so very saddened over the devastating loss of your Dad. Words can’t describe the deep sorrow we feel in our hearts. He was a gentle giant whose presence will be missed in the bleachers at Bishop. He had such kind words for my son Ricky..he really cared. He had tremendous impact in this world. God be with you and your family. –Bishop Mom of Ricky “scarface” Herrera Kathy Herrera
To the Simmons Family, What a terrible loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. As the wife of a police officer, I know all too well that at any moment, on any call, my husband could be taken away. Officer Simmons sounded like such a wonderful man and an experienced officer who touched the lives of so many people. Thank You Officer Simmons for all your hard work. I am sure God will have a special place for you up in Heaven. –Candace B. Covina Police Department
I want to send a Prayer to the family of Mr. Randy Simmons. We have lost a cold Soldier in the game. There is a plan for all of us, but it’s a wonder why it had to be him. There’s a huge loss in the world. We need to all be closer to my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Life will happen before you know it. It’s over…Stay prayed up. –Me’Lang Harris
I did not know either officer. But my heart ache when ever I hear of any officer being gunned down while during their jobs. My sympathy goes out to Officer Randy’s family. May God be near them through their grieving and may their healing be quick. He will always remain close to your hearts. My prayers go out to Officer Veenster for a speedy recovery. To the Simmons family; Our prayers and condolences goes out to the Simmons’s Family. Blessed are those who mourn; for they shall be comforted. Thank God for our hero, Randy Simmons. Officer Veenstra; Wishing you a speedy recovery. May God bless you and your family in this difficult time. -IAL & Family Sunland
I want pass along my deepest condolences to the entire family, friends & to the L.A.P.D. for Officer Randy Simmons. I hope for a speedy recovery to Officer James Veenstra. Without Officers like Simmons & Veenstra I wouldn’t feel safe. Everyone needs to be thankful that we have such brave Police Officers that put their lives on the line everyday to Protect & Serve people that they don’t even know. –Carl Sylmar, CA
Wrds cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear. May the memories held deep within your heart help to soothe you.May God give you the strength to overcome the pain… All are in our thoughts and prayers, –The Ponce Family – Pacoima
I had not seen Randy for years, but when I heard the news, I cried like I have lost a best friend he was a person with kind heart and a blessed soul. My heartfelt prayers go out to the family and to all families that have been touch by this event…….WE LOST A GREAT MAN -Kim, Los Angeles
Aunt Connie, I have been calling to offer condolences from my family and I but have been unable to reach anyone (I will continue trying). We were so upset to hear about cousin Randy. I can remember he and Gina trying to learn dance steps in Aunt Anne’s basement. We are proud of his great service to his community and family! It is a Shame that distance and time can cause us to loose touch. Bernadette and I often speak of you, Randy, and Gina. Our love goes out to you all. Randy will be missed but not forgatten. –Cousin Skip
To the Simmons Family: I did not know Randal Simmons, but from all of the many heartfelt comments, he was truly an extraordinary man. It’s difficult to type was because I know his spirit lives on in the hearts of many. I felt compelled to write to you and express my sincere condolences and extend my prayers to you. Someone that knew Randal wrote “I am sure, that Randy heard the words: “Well done. My good and faithful servant. Enter into my Kingdom…” I felt these words and believe them to be true. May your faith, your family & friends comfort you in the days ahead and please know that there are many like me that are raising you up in prayer. To the Veenstra Family: I will continue to pray for the complete and speedy recovery of James Veenstra. As you all face the challenges ahead please know that there are many of us praying for all of you and that we are truly appreciative of the sacrifices Officer Veenstra and the many others make on a daily basis to keep us all safe. To the Rivera Family: As we all struggle to comprehend why anyone would commit such a horrific act of violence, we must also remember that your family has also suffered a terrible loss. Please know that your family is also being raised in prayer. -B.
To: Lisa and the entire Simmons Family I would like to take this time and give my condolences to you and Your family. I have heard so many wonderful things about how your Husband has helped the youth in this town. He was an inspiration To many, the lost will be greatly felt. Randy was one who let his light shine on all he did. I am praying that God will see you through this difficult time. To the Veenstra Family, I am praying for a speedy recovery And that God will see you through. –Bethtenia and Family, Compton/L.A.
Thank you to the Simmons Family and Officer Veenstra, I’m also a future police officer me and my brother and collies .We know what are duties are once we show up at our Post and we take this job and we do it with pride & Honor. I want to thank the families of these two officers for their support and sacrifice. Our prayers & Heart goes out to you and your loving Families. Central Station Explores Post # 1 -Ashley & Arthur Ponce, LA CA
My former husband, Sgt. Steve Moore worked with both Randy and Jim in Metro. He always spoke very highly of both men and enjoyed working with them. I was saddened to hear of Randy’s death and Jim’s injuries. To Randy’s family, you will have him in your hearts forever, always looking down on you to protect and guide you. To Jim, my best wishes to you for a successful recovery. Randy will be beside you to keep you strong. God Bless you all. –Maria Moore
To the Brave families of Officer Simmons and Officer Veenstra, I want to send my deepest condolences to both families. Officer Simmons gave his life doing what I am sure he loved to do. I am the soon-to-be wife of a current SWAT officer for the Beverly Hills Police Department and can’t imagine what both families are going through. I was so relieved to hear that Officer Veenstra survived such a harrowing even but so deeply saddened to see that one of our own brothers had passed. It is like losing a family member, even though we may have never met, there is something about the closeness of all officers and their families. I know that when it all comes down to it, we all unite and become one. Sitting with my fiancée’ yesterday morning watching the news and seeing how it had unfolded the night before was torture for us. I know how hard it is once they get “that call” to let them go, but it has to be done. All I can tell him before he walks out that door is “I love you” and “Please be careful”. I am truly saddened by this and send my deepest sympathy and condolences. I know that Officer Simmons is and always will be a true hero, doing what I am sure was his passion. I know that one day we will all meet again. “Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” Richard Bach, (Illusions) Sincerely, Nina G.
My heart and prayers go out to Officer Randy Simmons’ wife, children, parents, and siblings. May God help them through this tragedy. I know he will be missed by many. I also wish a speedy recovery to another hero, Officer Veenstra. Although he was badly injured and will face a long recovery period, his guardian angel was with him. May this guardian angel help him through this very difficult time. I am the mother of an LAPD officer, at the Van Nuys Station, who after 20 years in the Air Force chose law enforcement as his next career. Believe me, his wife and I worry about him every single day. But he loves his work, as did Officers Simmons and Veenstra. –Daisy D. Laguna Woods
My prayers go out to the families of both of these heroes. These men are the real heroes putting their lives on the line for the war right here in this country. Rest in peace Randy. May God hold a special place for a special hero. Officer Veenstra I wish you a speedy recovery. May God bless you. –K. Green San Bernardino
To our Beloved Heroes, I am deeply sorry for the last of our hero Randal Simons. I thank God for him and for his devotion for all of us. His heroics actions will not be forgotten. May The Lord give the peace that surpasses all understanding to his beloved family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We’re praying for Randy and his family. We know he’s with Jesus. What a wonderful person! -Martha Lopez Blessings –B and B Denver,Colorado
Dear Lisa & Family, Randy would assist me at church (Agape Christian Fellowship L.A, Ca) All I had to do was call. You remember. When he was available he would come…Faithful & Loving I love Randy…listening to the news from NJ, I thought …. I have a friend and brother who is a LAPD SWAT member. Lightening struck in my heart when I heard his name… Ohhh the pain. The emotional rush led me to prayer. Lisa you are in my heart! Rest in the Peace of God and the Holy Spirit. Such a good brother…My prayers are rising as I write this… Be encouraged…Randy’s death was a door into the presence of God. Love and Forgiveness can settle your heart… Randy is not in pain so allow the work of the Holy Spirit to take you to peace beyond your natural understanding and remain in that place of rest. God’s grace is sufficient! God Bless You! Love You! Lisa & Family –Drs. Winston & Drucilla Lindsey, Pastor Friends Fellowship Ministries Vineland, NJ
I was introduced to Randy several years ago. I will never forget his charisma and chemistry with people. Just saw him a couple of weeks ago the Police Academy. He still had the great smile and warmth for everyone that he talked to. After a concluding my own 31-year LAPD career I realized what a unique and special police officer he was. I can only say a very heart felt I am so sorry to the loved ones and friends of Randy. We will never forget him. –G.Uribe retired LAPD
As the sister of a Hermosa Beach Police Officer and a U.S. ICE Agent as well as the Sister-In-Law of a Inglewood Police officer, my heart goes out to the families affected by this tragedy. This is a horrible tragedy not only for LAPD but the police “family” as a whole. We should all take time at some point in our lives to thank the men and women of law enforcement agencies everywhere as they ARE the ones who give 110% day in and day out to keep our streets safe not only for us but for our kids. Let’s not forget Officer Veenstra as we wish him a healthy and speedy recovery! God Bless Officer Simmons and his immediate family my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours and this sad time. –Estelle P.
My heartfelt condolences go out to the Simmons family during this very, very difficult time in their life. Although I didn’t know Officer Simmons, I know he was a true soldier in keeping our City safe. From what I have heard, he was a dedicated person to our God, his family, and his job. He will truly be missed. I live in the Winnetka area and was so shocked when I heard about this tragedy. It’s a great community and I’m proud to be a resident here, but sad that this had to happen. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Veenstra family. God has wrapped his arms around Officer Veenstra and will not let go until he is better. Thank you Officer Veenstra for your bravery. May God bless both families and help them get this difficult time. –Sylvia H., Winnetka
I just wanted the families of Officer Simmons and Officer Veenstra to know that the public really cares. We are so devastated at the loss of Officer Simmons and pray for his whole family. We pray too, for a full recovery of Officer Veenstra. Blessings, –Julie Michaels
Dear Jim, My dad heard about the shootout yesterday when Glen did not come to do the gardening. Both of our parents are praying for you and so are we. Rick will actually be in LA for the next week and will be praying for you. He was already planning to see Glen while he is there. I was so pleased to hear about the good character of your partner Randy Simmons. We also pray for his family during this time. We pray for your complete healing and speedy recovery, and also the ability to go on, holding on to your faith. God has seen your good works and He will reward you. We are very privileged to know you since high school, and hope to keep in touch at least through Glen so that we can get updates of your recovery. May God pour out His love on you right now and heal you in every way. May He also comfort you as you hold on to Him and He also will hold on to you. God bless you richly. Lots of love, –Rick and Ellen Coffin PS
We have been in Delhi, India for almost 3 years now with the vineyard. My name is Erica Craig, daughter of Captain James Craig of the SW District of the LAPD. When my father called me last night to tell me that his long time friend, former police academy classmate and someone who I considered an uncle died in an attempt to apprehend a suspect after a long stand off, my heart sunk with the mere thought of not ever being able to ask my father, how is Randy and does he ask about me? Randy was one of the only friends my father had that I truly cared for as much as I would a family member. I would always show off to all of my friends the small scene he had in the movie XXX, saying, that’s my dad’s friend Randy he’s a apart of the LAPD SWAT Team. I live in Atlanta, so because of my distance I’m not able to display in person my condolences to my father and Randy’s family for their loss. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that he is truly in a better place. God Bless you Randy and his wife and children. Sincerely, –Erica J. Craig
To the family Ofcr Simmons and Ofcr Veenstra, I am currently part of the LAPD family and when I heard the news yesterday it really hit home and makes you realize how short life can be. I didn’t know Ofcr Simmons personally, but when you are LAPD they are your brothers and sisters. I’m saddened by the loss and I know the entire LAPD is also. He had such an influence on the department and as well in the community. The children that he touched will want to grow up and be just like him. I know now he is my idol. God Bless, –Rob
To the family and love ones of Officer Simmons— Words cannot express the deep sadness we feel for your loss— my husband is an officer for Phoenix Special Assignments Unit and although it is a different department, we feel as if we have lost one of our own. May God be with you through this sorrowful time and provide you comfort in the days to come. Rest in Peace, –Randal
Randy and I were former colleagues in LAPD and former roommates. He was a great person with an extraordinary strength of character and integrity. He had truly a divine spirit emanating from his personality. I know that his good works on the police department and in the community will leave a living legacy. Few have done in a lifetime compared to what Randy Simmons accomplished in just 27 years. My heart and prayers go out to his wife, children, family and friends. –Garland Hardaman LAPD, Ret.
Thank you LAPD, Thank you for keeping our neighborhoods safe day after day, With little if any recognition, For putting up with the hassles and sacrifices that go unnoticed. Thank you for keeping my family safe last night, and for the sacrifice of one of your best men, by any standard! Thank you to the Simmons Family for the sacrifice you have made, May God bless you and Randal with tremendous treasures that you have stored up in heaven, As one who lives within a couple of blocks of this tragedy, I mourn for the sacrifices you made to keep us safe. But let our mourning become something that motivates us to positive action. We owe you more that we could ever repay. And so I find myself left only with the ability to pray, For the Simmons & Veenstra families, Only God could turn such a tragedy into victory. Please don’t remember this neighborhood as the place that Randy died, But as the place where something changed for the good, That we rose to the challenge to rebuild fences and heal wounds, So that we will be remembered as the place where things changed, and got better We have in these men role models worthy of the attention of every youth in this nation With faith, character and compassion that can only be the result of God’s love. I commit to pray, daily for the comforting peace of the Lord on these families, And for all of LAPD, I will pray daily that as each officer reports to duty, they will have covering in prayer and the protection of the Lord. This I can do, as both the most important and one of the simplest ways to support the men and women of LAPD. So can the people of this city. Imagine if 10, or 100, or 1000 people prayed each day for the officers protecting their neighborhoods. Pray for courage, honesty, love, compassion, wisdom and for the knowledge that, this city will rise to care for you when you are wounded, love you for doing your duty, forgive you when you stumble and cover you backs with the most effective weapon of all, prayer to the Lord. –Greg M, Winnetka
CENTURIONS NEVER DIE……NEVER QUIT……. God just gives us something better to tackle and he was one God’s greatest gift ever to be put on this earth. I like a lot of people today have shed many a tear over what has occurred, because you see back in the summer of 1983, I was assigned to Southeast Station as a new probationary officer and one of the first officers I ever encountered and befriended was Randy Simmons of then Operations South Bureau Crash. It would be almost 8 months later, that I became his teammate, playing football for the L.A.P.D. Centurions Football Team. Just a bunch of good guys playing football against police departments for various charities, one in particular, the Blind Children’s Center on Marathon Street. We were teammates for 8 years. We would see each other of and on for the next 3 years until I left the department, but he and a lot of my brother officers and teammates would always remain on my mind and in my prayers that no harm would ever come to them while performing their duties. It would be almost 9 years later that football would bring us back together as he and were both youth football coaches for El Segundo Youth Football, where he helped lead his son’s team to the National Championship. As you have all seen and heard from myself, former L.A.P.D. officer Derek Brandon, former UCLA football player and actor Bobby Hosea, this man not of the ordinary. Everything he touched including our lives turned to Gold. As I told his former training Officer And football coach, Detective Ed Lindsay, Randy talked about that during his SWAT interview, all he kept talking about was the Centurions and how we were such a close knit, tight group of brother officers. In every interview I have ever gone on for a job, I always think back to what he said that day and I still to this day talk about my brother Centurions. This year marks 30 years that the team has existed and there is a celebration planned in April, It is awful he will not be there in body, but he will be in spirit and we will speak of him and the contributions he made as a player and Captain of our teams. He was definitely special I every way……… My heart goes out to his wife, his Son and his Daughter, also his family and the multitudes of friends he made over 51 years. I will miss you my brother and maybe one day, you and I can play on the left side of that defense once again, because CENTURIONS NEVER DIE….. God just gives us something better to tackle !!! Let’s brake the huddle one more time for #17…….. 123 CHOKE –Charles Nunley
As a sister and sister inlaw of 3 LAPD officers and a firefighter my heart aches deeply for the family members of Randy Simmons and James Veenstra. The most important thing is to remember Randy’s devotion to his loving family, church and what he stood for in the LAPD swat family. My prayers for strength are with the Simmon’s family and I will continue to pray for a fast recovery for officer James Veenstra. We as citizens owe our support to the dedicated men and women “Heros” in uniform. –Deanna C., Sunland
My heart goes out to the families and all those effected by this tragedy. Please know that you are in my prayers. I am praying for Officer Veenstra’s quick recovery as well as the comfort and love of God to surround his family and the family of Officer Simmons. This is a horrible tragedy not only for the LAPD but also for the police community. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I continue to pray for you all for a long time to come. May God wrap His arms around you in this awful time. We all love you. God Bless. –Rebecca, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
The prayers of my family are with you and yours during this sad and terrible time. –Lt. Ray Rodriguez, Ret. US Dept of Justice Bureau of Prisons
My thoughts and prayers go out to the surviving families and the law enforcement family of these brave hero’s. I work in law enforcement and today is a sad day for us all who work to protect and serve our citizens and the community at large. We need to each take it upon ourselves to go out and mentor the youth in our communities just like Officer Simmons did and others including myself who are doing so because our kids are becoming an endangered species and are graduating form middle school to prisons at high rates because they aren’t getting the guidence and direction for learning to become responsible citizens. So let’s do something to honor this hero and pick up the torch he has passed on and help our area youth. Adopt a school, sign on to be a coach, or be a mentor by giving of your time and talents–doesn’t cost a thing. While we can’t save all the children, if we reach one, that is success. Stay safe and blessed. –Monica J.
To Lisa My heart goes out to you and your family. May God put his arm around you. –Kathryn T., Palmdale
Please accept my condolences and deepest sympathies for the family of Off. Randy Simmons. Also the best wishes for a speedy recovery for Off. James Veenstra. It is indeed a sad day when a Law Enforcement Officer is injured on the line of duty, and even more when the Officer loses his/her life. May Simmons be walking with God from this day forth and may Veenstra recover from his injuries so that he is able to return to what he loves. Both Officers, their families, and their Department are in my thoughts and prayers. –Antonio L. Mohr (732) Santa Ana Police/Retired
To the Family of Randal Simmons, Our most heartfelt condolences. We are saddened at the news of this terrible tragedy. Our prayers and thoughts are with your entire family in this time of their greatest sense of loss. It takes a special breed of person to do a job as this. To put oneself in harms way to go out and try make a difference in the community. These men and women know everyday that their lives are on the line, but they still know their work here on earth to help one another is for a greater cause. Randal Simmons died in the line of duty trying to protect and serve the people, and will never be forgotten. His bravery goes beyond anything we can imagine. Sorry for your loss. Get well wishes to Officer Veenstra, Thanks for his bravery and putting others first in his line of work. Our thoughts are with him and his family during his recovery; from his injuries and the loss of a colleague. Officer Veenstra I hope these words our some words of encouragement. As a forty-one year man with Cerebral Palsy. As you all ready know life is a fight that you must meet head on. Yes, there may be those days where you may get down on yourself but you know you have to put one foot forward and continue the fight in this battle of life, and as you have shown you can do in your duties as an Officer. Continue the the fight don’t let your mind beat you. If your doctors tell you to rest as long as your not going to cause yourself further injuries forget rest; do what you feel like doing. I respect doctors and nurses but I gave them all the hell I could so they would want to get rid of me. Remember get out of bed and do something if those down days should come. Thanks for your bravery. Sorry for you loss. My thoughts are with you. –Michael and Dorothy M.
As Randy served the people,he also served God. My prayers go out for Randy’s family, the LAPD family, and for the healing of officer Veenstra. –Gwen Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May God Bless you and comfort you during this time of sorrow. –Pat, Tarzana
I want to first start off by saying my deepest condolences go out to the family, friends, community, and fellow law enforcement officers of Randy Simmons; you are in my prayers. I also want to send my heart felt sympathy to officer Jim Veenstra and his family; may you have a speedy recovery. Although I don’t personally know these officers, I was tremendously touched by this tragedy. It literally brought tears to my eyes after hearing about this deadly shoot out. I inspire to someday, in the near future, become apart of the law enforcement family and situations like these is what truly motivates me to pursue a career with law enforcement. We often hear the negative aspect of being an officer of the law, but very seldom do we acknowledge the great accomplishments of these men and women until a tragic event takes place. I want to commend not only officer Simmons and officer Veenstra but law enforcement in general for all of your hard work and dedication to the community. –Erin S., Los Angeles
I pray Officer Veenstra, recovers soon. God Bless him. –Norma S.
This is one of the saddest days in LAPD history. Today, we lost a true American hero. Randy was the first SWAT officer to die in the line of duty. When I think about Randy Simmons, I think of integrity, loyalty, knowledge, strength, and faith. He paid the ultimate price earlier this morning doing what we do on a daily basis protecting and serving the community. As a retired Sergeant II from LAPD, I lost a brother, colleague, and friend. The entire city of Los Angeles has lost a true hero today. My prays go out to Randy’s immediate family, and his extended family at 114. Randy I know you are deployed in Heaven protecting those who can’t protect themselves. Let’s not forget about Jim Veenstra another hero, who was seriously wounded as well. I pray for you speedy recovery Jim! –Mo Landrum Ret.
We always say at the dive shop that you guys have the toughest job in the world. Todays events underscore that. We offer our energy and positive thoughts to you Jim Veenstra and our Hope and Support to the family of R.Simmons. Please don’t lose faith in what you do, we, the citizens of L.A. need you to continue your very difficult task. Defending and Protecting us so that we can continue our lives in safety. R. Simmons rest in peace. –Hal W., Hollywoodivers
Dear Lisa and Family, Lisa, I knew you many years ago at our workplace. I just heard the tragic news of Randy’s passing on KCal this evening; may God bless and comfort you and your family at this terribly sad time. Your husband was a hero and honored public servant; he will be missed by all of us in Southern California. –Pat S., Camarillo
Swat Officer Randy Simmons gave his heart and soul to his God, his family, his profession and his community; and is a hero, mentor and god-father to so many who love him. He possessed a titanium spirit and a heart of gold. He had unparalleled commitment and focus. He understood his purpose and enthusiastically ran with it. Without question, Randy will be sorely missed and never forgotten. We will continue to stand with you and pray for you, and are ready to help in anyway we can. We love you so much. –The Glymphs
On behalf of the children in the Watts area…I would like to say thank you for sharing Randy Simmons with us. He was an example of what a man truly is. The children and families of Glory kids will never ever forget his love, smiling face and encouragement. Thank you God for sharing your child with us all. He will be missed! Keep his dream alive..God bless his immediate family and law enforcement family! –Yvette, Rancho Dominguez
To the Simmons Family, My family and I are so sorry for your loss. The one thing we know for sure is that Randy is in Heaven with our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS. The SWAT team is part of METRO DIV. I worked Metro Div. from 11/69 until my retirement on 4/2006. So I knew Randy very well. Randy gave the ultimate sacrafice for his fellow man, HIS LIFE. Our prayers are with you. To the Veenstra Family, Hang in there Jim. Our prayers are with you and your loved ones. –arthur aguilar
Our prayers and condolences to the Simmons – Hunter family. We were shocked and so saddened to hear of Randy Simmons death. Although we never met Officer Simmons, I grew up knowing Lisa and her sisters. I pray that peace surrounds the entire family and they will be in our hearts. –The Clifton Family
Hello, I am a 14 year old and i seen my law enforcement faimly had got shot ann killed and I would like to say let god be with you and my condolenes ot the faimly of the sad feeling faimly and god bless that we have brave LAUSD school police and the LAPD and SWAT officers –LAUSD police EXPLORER
I don’t know the simmons family, but my prayers are with officer simmons family. I am not on the force, but I did serve in the army and served a year tour in Iraq I was wounded and also saw fellow soldiers, brothers pass away. No words can Bring this officer back, but he is truly a hero and I am sorry for your loss… –o. gutierrez
To the Family of Officer Randy Simmons, God Bless you all! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May our Hero Rest in Peace. To Officer Veenstra, We hope you get well soon, we will be praying for a fast recovery. YOU BOTH ARE “HEROS”!!!!! –The Aguilars, Winnetka, CA
God bless Officer Simmons and his family. I wish a speedy recovery to Officer Veenstra and strength for his family. I was so sad to hear about this incident. I am a proud member of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. I will donate to his family and urge our family of Police and Fire to donate to his family. Thank you KCAL for setting up this forum for us to post our condolences. –Sergeant Joanne Hollis Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
May God be with the families of these two officers. As I was listening to one caller after another call into Larry Elders talk show this afternoon giving accounts of wonderful things this man had done for them and for others, I couldn’t help but think that, even though we can’t understand rhe reason, that God had called his beloved child home. What a wonder example of a loving life. I know he will be an inspiration to others for years to come and I’m sure his children will carry on in his name. They were blessed to have him as a father and many were blessed to have him as a friend. God Bless! –Joan Brown
May God give you all strength to go on and His peace. God never wastes a hurt…. may His love surround you now. We will keep you in our prayers. –Mrs. Yepez
Thank you for all you do. Thank you to your family for sharing you with all of us. Your bravery and honor will not be forgotten. Rest and relax we need you back in the community in whatever capacity you choose, you are an asset to all of us. –Ted K.
My thoughts and prayers go out to both families. I met both officers at the Childrens Orthopeadic Hospital in Los Angeles. I helped out with giving toys to the kids there. I’ve worked with everyone the past couple of years. When I saw the group picture on TV, it really hit me hard. Officer Simmons was a great person. I wish the best for Officer Veenstra who I also got the privelige to meet at the hospital. I wish everyone the best. –John Morello, Automobile Club off Southern California
Today is very sad day for the entire Los Angeles community. We have lost a positive role model and to most an angel, Officer Randy Simmons and his family have payed the ultimate sacrifice to make sure that we as a community are safe from harms way. We will be praying for officer Randy Simmons and his family. We also wish that Officer James Veenstra recovers soon, we are also praying for you please stay strong and pull through don’t forget that we need you. I admire these officers and all other in the Los Angeles police Department for their commitment and hard work and most of all for their sacrifice, they are the ones that protect and help the ones that are in need. –The Vaca Family, Los Angeles
Today a hero was not born but exposed, exposed by the cowardly act of another. We will soon forget the coward that perpetrate these acts whilst Randy Simmons will live in our hearts and minds forever. Thank you for your sacrifice, you will not be forgotten. –Ted K., Porter Ranch
We are the family of a LAPD officer currently serving in Iraq. He and I and our children extend our condolences and prayers to the families of Officer Simmons and Officer Veenstra. GOD is forever present in our lives and HE alone can heal the pain that a tragedy such as this causes. Please rest in comfort that Randell is now in heaven. We are praying for Officer Veenstra’s recovery. Our hearts go out to you the wives, children and family members and friends and know we will continue to pray for you and your strength. –Shyann D., Lancaster
My Prayers go out to the family of Officers Simmons and Veenstra. My mom and dad are both police officers, and I know you must be very sad. After what I have heard on the news Officer Simmons was a very good man and cared very much for his community. I am sure everyone will miss him. –Payton F., 9
To the families of both Officers Veenstra & Simmons: Although I, personally do not know the two officers, I am part of the LAPD family. I know first hand this tragedy has effected all of us in the Dept. Any time a tragedy occurrs it effects us as though it were our own family. That is how the LAPD is connected. I can honestly say the Valley Dispatchers have been mourning since the event occurred & all of you have our most deepest, sincere sympathy. Many warm, loving, compassionate thoughts towards your families not only today but always. Ofcr Simmons will be remembered as a true Hero! –Anonymous Police Service Representative
To the Family of Randall Simmons, Our most heartfelt condolescenses. We are all shocked and very, very saddened at the news of this terrible tradegy. Our prayers and thoughts are with your entire family in this time of loss. We came to know you at Trinity Lutheran School and have personally witnessed both Randy and Lisa serving God faithfully. Once again, know that we are praying for you night and day that God, in His infinite wisdom will somehow comfort you and give you rest. We love you and we pay honor to a great man of God, who was a servant of God and a family man, and a true example for many others. I am sure, that Randy heard the words: “Well done. My good and faithful servant. Enter into my Kingdom…” God Bless You and Keep You. –Tania & Gordon, Celeste & Ally
My love and prayers go out to the family of Randy Simmons. Randy was one of the best young men I have know in my life, I will not forget him. I have known Randy since I was 18 years old; he was just out of the LAPD police academy. He was the best friend of my former husband James Craig and a great friend to me as well during that time. Randy was a man who would always take time to find out how he could make you feel better, and put you before himself. The world was truly a better place with a person like Randy living in it. Randy was an example that great caring men exist. I know he is one of God’s angel’s and heaven is where this angel is. God bless you Randy! Your are a man loved by many including me. I will always remember you for your sensitive loving and caring nature towards me as a young woman. Someone who was there when I needed support and guidance. The lord now has a hard worker for him. We will see you again Randy. Until that day! We love you Randy. –Judi K. and Erica C.
I don’t know if I am doing this right, but i just want to say that I am 14 years old and my name is Kendyl [name redacted]. I was on my hands and knees crying when I heard about Mr. Simmons death and who he was to this great city. I was convicted by God to pray for the Simmons family and would like to tell them to be strong. Mr. Simmons was a brave and faithful man that I know many people are great full for. I did not know this man personally, but just by knowing of his ministry and what he did in the line of duty- for our city and for God- that he was an honored man. We need more people like him in this world and it is a sad, tragic loss. Simmons family- I will keep you in my prayers and would like to remind you that your husband/dad/brother/etc. is in a better place now. Children of Mr.Simmons- you know better than i do tha tyour dad was an amazing person and faithful man of God. Carry out his legacy for his and God’s name’s sake. Thank you for everything you’ve done. All of us from Dink’s Deli in Valencia want to send out all our prayers to all the family members, Randy and Jim came into our establishment for breakfast with all their other SWAT members, We have become friends with all the SWAT team. Randy, you will be missed very much, your smile and laughter will forever ring in our hearts, Jim we send out prayers, love and light to help guide your way into healing and recuperating and understanding the whole picture of this event. All of us here at Dink’s Are putting together a fund for the families affected by this tragedy, For anyone out their who would like to contribute,we are located in the granary square, 661.284.6057. Again, celebrate what Randy brought to our lives, we are honored to have had the chance to know him, Jim , to all that is ahead for you,we will keep you in our prayers. Blessings. –Steve, Pam, Jennifer, Jeri, & Julia Dinkowitz, and the whole Dink’s Deli’s Crew
It takes a special breed of person to do a job as this. To put one’s self in harms way to go out and try make a difference in the community. These men and women know everyday that their lives are on the line, but they still know their work here on earth to help one another is for a greater cause. Randal Simmons and every other person who has died in the line of duty trying to protect and serve the people will never be forgotten. Let this be a day of celebration that we still have many brave men and women willing to make a difference and continue the work. –Dannie V.
To the families of the officers involved in standoff. May God be with you at this time. Their bravery goes beyond anything we can imagine. Our deepest condolences to the family of Office Simmons. Such a wonderful, loving, kind man…what a legacy he leaves behind. Prayers go out to the family as they seek comfort in their sorrow at this time. Get well wishes to Officer Veenstra, for his bravery and putting others first in his line of work. God be with him and the family during his recovery. Our prayers go out to the family during this time also. Both men have been and continue to be the greatest gifts God could have given us. God bless. –The Forbes Family
To KCAL 9, On behalf of all the police officers at L.A.P.D. Northeast Division, we would like to thank you for dedicating an entire hour to this tragic incident. We appreciate the tribute and kind words to Officers Randy Simmons and James Veenstra. Sincerely, L.A.P.D. Northeast Area I would just like to express my deepest sympathies to Officer Simmons family for their lost. This is an unspeakable tragedy and a great loss to the city of Los Angeles. This hits close to home because my boyfriend is an officer for LAPD and I pray that God watches over him and every single police officer so they are able to return home each and every day safely. Officer Simmons was a courageous man and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family. May he rest in peace. And to Officer Veenstra I hope he fully recovers and his family is getting through this very trying time. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family as well. May God watch over both these Officers and their families. –Maria M.
To the family of both officers, Our prayers go out to the officers and thier family. From one SWAT Officer to another. Your dedication to the community will not be forgotten. Your legacy will live on. Thank You KCAL9 & CBS2 for showing this community what a great job these SWAT Officers do. Your dedication to taking the airtime to devote to these officers will not be forgotten. Thanks. –Nghia
My heartfelt condolences to the family of Officer Simmons. What a great man who was lost from your lives and from the community he served as well as our society. He was definitely one of the good guys and he will be missed by all. I’m praying for you all during this time of sorrow and heartache. To Office Veenstra, Thank you so much for your bravery and for protecting all of us with your fallen partner, officer Simmons. God bless you both. God’s speed in your recovery. Laura, South Pasadena Today is an extremely sad day for the Law Enforcement community. My family sends our deepest condolences to the Simmons family. We also pray for a speedy recovery for Officer Veenstra. — Michael L. Robinson, Police/S.W.A.T Officer, Inglewood PD
Lord, I ask you to be with me in a very special way, as I face the challenges that I must face each day. Please give me the compassion for the innocent I see, help me protect and serve those who depend on me. And when duty calls to danger walk closely by my side, instill in me great courage and be my strength, my guide. And whatever I am called to do, always thankful I will be, that you have been the unseen guest, walking next to me. God has you by his side Ofc. Simmons. We will miss you greatly. We will help him keep an eye over your family as well. Until we meet again. – A law enforcement brother I heard about the tragic loss of Randal Simmons today in briefing. I am a Police Officer in San Diego County, and I did not know Officer Simmons, but like all Police we are family, and I was devistated to hear about this loss. Officer Simmons has been in my thoughts today and my prayers. I pray for his friends and family. –Stephen W.
The Simmons Family, May God cradle you in His love at this profoundly difficult time. Capt. Veenstra, my warmest thoughts are with Jim for a complete recovery. –Uletas C.
To the Family of Officer and Hero’s Randall Simmons and Officer Veenstra: I am sending my heartfelt condolences and prayers to you and your family during this very difficult time. I believe that no matter what the risk was, your Husband, Father, family member did what he had to do because of his courage, perseverance, and the love of protecting the citizens of L.A. May you know there are many citizens from all walks of life all over the country feeling your pain and sending our love and prayers. I believe God needed another hero with him to watch over us. Officer Veenstra, I pray that you make a full recovery. May you find strength to heal both physically and mentally from this terrible incident. You are truly a brave man and I hope that you can find comfort in knowing that there are many citizens from all over the country that are praying for you during this difficult time. To the members of the L.A. Swat Team and all Police Officers and their families: I pray that each of you find comfort in God and in each other during this difficult time. Your sacrifice each day is many times taken for granted by citizens who do not understand what you deal with on a daily basis. It takes a special person to be in your shoes and I along with many others, salute you for your courage. –Cynthia C., Riverside
I want to send my deepest condolences to the family. I go to school with Matt, officer Simmons son, and when everyone at Bishop Montgomery heard about the lost there where no dry eyes to be seen. The only thing that we could do was pray and see help at choice and may I say there was no free time for those choices councilors. The football team all took there time out from lunch to pray for the family in front of the statue next to football field where Officer Simmons would go dressed in his uniform to watch Matt. Well Bishop Montgomery is praying for the Simmons. -Priscilla G., student at Bishop Montgomery Hi Officer Veenstra, I hope you feel better. You are the greatest police officer at LAPD. Your wife Michelle is the greatest police captain at LAPD. –Dave K., Los Angeles
Our heartfelt sympathies to the families, friends and co-workers of Officers Veenstra and Simmons. Everyday you put your lives on the line for our safety, knowing every minute could be your last, and you both paid the ultimate price, your precious lives. We want to say to your families, thank you for your sacrifices. God bless you all, and may your heart be filled with loving memories of your fallen heroes. –The Harvey Family, Costa Mesa
I send this email with a heavy heart as I know the world has lost a special person. I didn’t have the opportunity of meeting Officer Randy but from what I have heard of him, he was a good person with a kind and compassionate heart. I send my prayers to God and ask that he keep his family, friends and associates close to his heart. I have included a poem below I feel may bring a tender message from Randy to those he loved and those who loved him. “I Will Always Be With You” I Will Always Be With You I promise I will see you Through Look not in the world for me In your heart is where I will be Feel me embrace you as I always do Feel my spirit flow through you My smile shines on for you to see I’ll be there you can always count on me Hold your head high, stand strong and tall My love will pick you up if you should fall My words will give you strength when you are weak You will find me if you will only seek You are a very special part of me As is God in your heart is where I will be Life is a journey that begins within A mysterious path that never ends Dry your eyes now, please, please don’t cry I live on and I will never die As I continue to grow, I unfold I’m living the language of my soul In visions and in dreams I will come to you I will walk with you like Angels do My spirit will leave you never I promise I Will Be With You Always and Forever Poetry by: Alicia Gail Lightsey
Dear Lisa and Family, We are so so sorry for your loss. Randy was a marvelous guy, as you know, and we all remember him as being friendly and welcoming. His pleasant smile and outgoing ways made a lasting impression on our entire family. Our children remember from when they were very small at Glory and how nice he was to them, and everybody. We’ll always remember his passion for being a positive model for the young people as he would bring them to church on Sundays and on special occasions like the Harvest festival and the Christmas celebrations. Our prayers are with you and your family. Our entire community is worse off for Randy’s passing. The Tavasti Family
My deepest condolences go to the family of officer Randy Simmons. I know there is nothing that can be said to take away their pain; my thoughts are with them in such a difficult time. I wish a speedy recovery to officer James Veenstra; I’m very sorry for the loss of one of his SWAT brothers. Thank you so very much to the officers who protect us each and every day! –Justine H., Corona
All day I’ve been listening to different people call into talk radio describing what an amazing man Randy was. While alive this man was a great inspiration to many people and now that he is gone he will continue to inspire people like me. What a legacy! My prayers go out to the family may they find their comfort in the Lord. God bless and protect the officers that put their lives to protect and serve us. –Lorena, Pasadena My condolence to the family, I played at Washington state university with Randy, and when the team went to the 1998 Rose Bowl, Randy bought me my Rose Bowl coat because there was only one left and he gave it to me because he remembered that I loaned him my football shoes when he forgot his one day at practice. I will the Rose Bowl coat to his son and wife. Randy always said that he wanted to be a minister, and he finally did that. Randy will be truly missed. Basil Kimbrew, former Washington state university football player Dear Officer Simmons, Dear Officer Veenstra, There are no real words to say. Thank You from our heart for giving the ultimate gift. Your bravery took your life from this earth only to put you in a safer place. Officer Veenstra we will pray each day for your gently recovery. Our family ,friends and all of Los Angeles send deep prayers to both your families. I know all of Los Angeles is very proud as we shed our tears for all of you.Your entire group of Officers are true heroes. We thank them for what they do each minute of each day. Thank you. — Debbie S. and family, Studio City
I wish to send my deepest sympathy to the Simmons family, Officer Veenstra and his family, and to all of the Los Angeles Police Officers. You are in my prayers. –Lena P.
As I write this, I cannot help but well up with tears. May we never forget our fallen officers, may we never forget their sacrifice; may we remember to respect them, and may we always remember that when we make that call (to 911), we rely on them to do a job that exemplifies their creed…”To Protect and Serve”. God Bless the LAPD Officers and their daily sacrifice for us all. Today, we remember this – please let us not forget their bravery tomorrow…or ever. –Arris, Sherman Oaks
My four year old son has hemophilia, last year we had the honor of meeting Officer Simmons at a hemophilia event. Officer Simmons truly cared about the youth. He will be missed. –Cynthia
To the family of Randy Simmons I pay my respects to you guys. Even though you lost a family member, a guardian angel is upon you guys for this tragic death and Randy is all ways going to be with you through everything. I will pray for Randy for the next few days. My father’s friend killed the guy who killed Randy, I will never forget this day. Keep on praying. –Lauren E., 11
Randy is a man I know I would have his life to what seemed to be the fullness. The Gorman family would like to thank him for his service.To his family our deepest sympathy. –Brian, Kathy, Wyatt and Avery G., Rossmoor
My heart goes out to the family of both officers involved in this terrible tragedy…..May God bless them for their bravery and dedication in keeping our communities safe. We will keep you in our prayers. –Claudia R.
To the families of Officer Simmons and Officer Veenstra, the LAPD SWAT family, LAPD and the citizens of Los Angeles. We are saddened to hear of the loss and injury you are suffering. I don’t know if this helps or not, but it is our sincere hope you are overwhelmed with compassion and support in the days to come. –Doug R., Greenwood, IN
We appreciate what Officer Simmons did for our country and that he was willing to put his life in the line of fire for any one of us, Mrs. Simmons thank you for supporting your husband in what he loved to do and may God give you straight to get through this and to help your children cope with the lost of their father don’t loose faith in God, and don’t forget that he will always be with you no matter what believe that with every thing that we go through God has a greater blessing in life for us I will be praying that God will give you strength, God Bless You and your family. –Esmeralda M., Los Angeles
My condolences to the family and friends of office Simmons and officer Veenstra. I was devastated to hear about such sad news. I was at the gym this morning at five when it was breaking news. I cannot even image the pain everyone is going through. These are two of our finest and for some reason this mean “evil” person took one precious life away. We’ll be praying for officer Veenstra’s recovery. May God bless the families and friends of these two officers. We are here for you! –Raquel D.
Randy Simmons was a police officer by trade, but his passion and calling in life was to lead others to Christ. My family and I were blessed to have shared in his ministry. Our prayers go out to his wife & family, to the Glory kids, and to every person who ever had the priviledge of knowing this Christain warrior. –Larry and Donna L. & family
I would like to send my sympathies to the family of Officer Simmons and to the LAPD SWAT Unit. Although I did not know Officer Simmons well. I had the opportunity to speak to him on a number of occasions while I was a member of LAPD. Officer Simmons was a very humble dedicated officer. I know the LAPD has lost a great officer who dedicated his life to protect and serve the citizens of Los Angeles. I know he will not be forgotten and his name and memory will live forever. I was proud to know him. –Louis Laurenti, Retired LAPD Detective/Sergeant
I have heavy sorrow for the sacrifice Officer Simmons made today, we all benefit from the risk he and others in uniform take everyday to keep us safe. My heartfelt appreciation for Officer Simmons and his family today. I greatly appreciate his spirit and my prayers are for him a ndhis family and assured he will be with them now, watching over them. My prayers are with you all, and I also say prayers for officer Veenstra that he recovers from his sacrifice he made and suffering he suffered today. –Michael G.
Dear Mrs. Simmons and children, You are in my prayers as you grieve the loss of your dear husband and father. I pray the Lord will fill you with the peace that passes all understanding. As the mother of a police officer in Santa Monica, my heart goes out to all of you and grieves with you. Randal is a TRUE HERO because he chose to be a police officer! God bless you! –Maraleen, Thousand Oaks
My uttermost thoughts go out to the SimmoNs family. The loss of a loved one is truly an undescribable thing. To those who knew Officer Simmons. May his smile aid in your healing and his spirit ease the pain in your heart. Officer Veenstra. My prayers of a smooth recovery and heartfelt thoughts are sent to you and your family. To those who protect and serve. Im sure that many will agree when I say that “Thank you is just the start of the million words. –Nyla
To both families, May God grant the peace needed during this difficult time, my heart was filled with pain at the news. I often think of the families left behind after the family leader has been removed or injured so tragically. Be strong as this too shall pass – healing will come. Remember one thing if they had to do it again they would – Because L.A.P.D. officers/SWAT are the real heroes. Thank you for sharing these great men with all of us. James, Tarzana My prayers will be with you not just today but in the coming days. May God surround your family during these dark days. Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is JOY. Psalms 30-5. –Carrie
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Officer Randall Simmons and the entire L.A.P.D. police department. My brother was a police officer for the city of West Covina and was killed in the line of duty in August of 1983. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him, I miss him very much. This is a time when family and friends can be of a great help. May Officer Simmons rest in peace…. –Kerry S.
Dear Simmons family, Our hearts go out to your family for your lost. Our prayers our with your entire family. I know that Randy is in the loving arms of his Lord and Savior Jesus. I heard that he touched so many lives. What a testament he was, a true example of a Christian. I was listening to a local radio station and a former gang memeber called in and said that Randy led him to the Lord got him out of the gangs. I cried when I heard that. I hope that through this tragedy, that people will come to know Jesus as their Savior. I know that is what he would have wanted as a Christian. –Melanie W.
I wish to send my deepest sympathy to the Simmons family, Officer Veenstra and his family, and to all of the Los Angeles Police Officers, and especially the Swat Team. My husband is LAPD retired. I cried as I was listening to the scanner and heard the call go out for 2 R.A.’s for Officers down. Thank you for protecting and serving our community. My prayers are with you. –S. Fingleton, Northridge
The Simmons Family, I am not all that close to God, but I know he heard me today when I said a prayer for Randal. –Chris, Valencia
To Lisa and Family, Lisa, you have my deepest sympathy. My prayers are with you and your family, I have heard that your husband was truly a Christian man. It is truly a great loss for everyone. I pray you find strength in the Lord. God Bless You and your kids. –Betty P.B., Courtroom Clerk
To Lisa , Matthew & Gabriela and the rest of the Simmons Family , I would like to extend my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. God will see you through. –Mr. Cummings & family
My heart and prayers go out to the family of Officer Simmons. I lived this nightmare a few years ago when my brother-in-law was killed in Chandler, Arizona. . He was a SWAT team member. I know that a day does not go by that I don’t think about that day. He also left a young wife and two small children. My prayers are with you. –Harold Meyer
My heart is broken for the family of Randal Simmons. From the outpouring of sympathy received on this sad day this gentleman was certainly a force of nature. Both my sister and brother are current LAPD officers and it is like losing family. Again, my sincerest condolences. –Henry C.
My thoughts and prayers are with the friends and family of this terrible tragedy. God Bless. –Jason W.
To the family of Officer Randy Simmons, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your sacrifice is also our loss. To Officer James Veestra, God bless you and your family. Thank you for your service. –Kay and Ben W., Canyon Country
I just wanted to send my condolences to the family of Ofc. Randy Simmons & and prayers of recovery to Ofc. Veenstra. I also went to Fairfax High and knew Randy very well. I remember the fun in school, the winning and the tears. He was a good and smart kid in school, and became a good man and Swat Officer with the LAPD. I am hurt and can only remember the good times. He will be missed by everyone who knew him as kids and adults. All I have been doing this morning is crying and remembering our school days. I am very hurt because of the loss. –Don G.
To the families of both officers: All the words in the world cannot compensate for the pain you are feeling but I do know that if you believe in God and put your trust in him he will bring you through this terrible ordeal. Know that as I pray tonight, today, and right now you are and shall continue to be in my prayers. –Georgia C.
To the Simmons family, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. To have such an honest and giving person taken from us is such a tragedy. I am truly sorry for your loss. To officer Veenstra, I am sorry for the loss of your partner. Thank you for protecting the people of this city. Above and certainly beyond the call of duty. I wish for you a quick recovery and I know you will be back doing what you love. Thank you and God Bless, — K. King, Costa Mesa
The LAPD family, Officer Simmons’ family and Officer Veenstra’s family have my deepest sympathy, prayer and respect for this unfortunate incident. May GOD bless all of you. –Marilyn T.
I went to school with Randy at Washington State University back in the mid-1970’s. He was a member of the Cougar football team and he lived in the same dorm building that I was in. I vividly remember at that time he used to wear his hair in a large Afro with a big part on the side – he could look very intimidating, which suited him well as a defensive back. I last ran into he and his wife in Glendale at a Cougar athletics party on New Year’s Eve 1997, the night before the 1998 Washington State-Michigan Rose Bowl Game. Far from intimidating, he was very warm and cordial and when I asked if he would have his picture taken with me he seemed quite flattered. Randy was a fine man and he will be missed very much. At Washington State we always say, “Once A Coug, Always A Coug,” and this will certainly be the case with Randy. I wish to extend my deepest condolences to Officer Simmons’ family. — Don P., Altadena
Officer Simmons is the father of one of our students here at Bishop Montgomery High School. The entire Bishop Montgomery High School community is keeping the Simmons family and Officer Veenstra in our daily prayers. — Andy M. Director of Development Bishop Montgomery High School
As a citizen of planet earth that respects the law & all who serve to protect us, my very heartfelt thoughts & prayers go out to both The Simmons & Veenstra families, and in fact all Law Enforcement Agencies. Thank you deeply for all your sacrifices, — Annie H., Norfolk
My heart and prayers go out to the family of officer Simmons. I am a retired police officer,and my son is a firefighter. I know if something were to happen to my son I would be devasted.So I can only imagine what the family of officer Simmons must be going through. I was injured in the line of duty, nothing serious. But I was able to take an early retirement. Partly because there have been so many restrictions placed on police officers. They are no longer able to do their job effectively. When a suspect makes a decision to engage police officers he’s made the decision to suffer any consequences that may befall him. My heart and prayers go out to the family of officer Simmons. –J.Vela
On behalf of the L.A.Inner City Mass Youth Choir under the direction of Jeffrey J.Coprich sends our deepest sympathy during this very difficult time.We had the honor of being apart of the past Toy Drives singing at the Orthopedic Hospital for the children.Officer Simmons a gentle giant and a man who loved GOD.Officer Simmons was a reachable man and loved the youth of South Los Angeles,teaching them to how to Love and respect each other and do good in school.He truly will be missed from our organization.My heart is broken to hear of his passing he was a man that I knew and grew to love.Thanks over Simmons for taking the time to touch so many of us in the watts Community your Love will never die.Your presence back then made a major difference in our lives and we will pass it on. Jeffrey C. Founder/Director The L.A.Inner City Mass Choir
To the family and friends of Officer Simmons, I just wanted to say how deeply sorry and saddened I am by the tragedy that occurred earlier today. Officer Simmons was not only a great Police Officer, but a great person that will be greatly missed by his family, his friends, and his family in Law Enforcement. As a Police Officer, I truly want to thank him for being a great role model and person for younger Officers such as myself. His dedication, integrity, and loyalty to his family and department are an inspiration to us all. Again, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Officer Simmons. –Jesse P.
I am an Orange County resident but I was deeply saddened to hear this morning on the news, that a criminal upset with himself had harmed and taken away an officer of LAPD SWAT. My thoughts and prayers are with both families during this very difficult time. God Bless. — Tricia
As the girlfriend of a Sheriffs Department deputy, I can only fathom what this family is going through. To receive a call letting you know bad news about your loved one is horrible and my heart goes out to the families. Stay strong, have faith and may Officer Simmons rest in peace and a speedy recovery for Officer Veenstra. –Rosa R.
To the family of Officer Simmons: Know that God had a bigger plan for him. He served well in what he was put here to do. He helped children and adults throughout many communities and above all that he was used by God to bring children and adults through the door, which is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. So be of good cheer, he’s in a better place. God be with you. — Redd
My Father was a retired LAPD officer. I spent 31 years on Monrovia PD. Our son and his wife are both on the LA County Sheriffs Dept. You know how we all feel. May God bless and keep you Officer Veenstra. May God be with the family of Officer Simmons in this time of their great loss. — B & D Tubbe, Camarillo
So very sorry to hear this news….I am praying for all our officers especially Mr. Simmons’ family. Please stay safe all of you and to officer veenstra, I am praying for your quick recovery….i love our LAPD family — you all work so hard for us. — Shannon M.
My prayers are with the family of both officers as well as the police force,”SWAT TEAM”. — Nancy L.A.P.D.
We know that your jobs are extremely dangerous and sometimes you are misunderstood. We wish the Family Members of Officer Simmons our deepest sympathy in your time of loss. To Officer Aeenstra and Family Members, we hope that your recovery is speedy. To the L.A.P.D., thank you for all you do to protect us. – B. Bratton, Van Nuys
Thank you, Officer Veenstra for your bravery in your profession. You are appreciated. God be with you as you recover. My deepest sympathy to the Simmons family for your loss of a wonderful man who cared so very much for his community, our children and his family. Randal will never be forgotten. May the Lord hold your heart in His loving hands at this time. — Stephanie, Orange
To the family of Randal Simmons, I am deeply saddened by the news of Randal’s death in the line of duty. I consider him a friend in ministry. I met him and worked with him briefly in his ministry to youth in a housing project in Watts several years ago. He made a tremendous impact upon the urban youth of the areas of L.A., Watts, Compton and Carson. Those of us who are working with urban youth will greatly miss him. May God comfort your hearts in this time of sorrow. — Michael F.
I would like to express my sincere condolences to the Simmons Family for their loss. I also would like to say that I wish Officer Veenstra a speedy and full recovery. This always saddens me when a law enforcement agent or Fireman get injured or dies. We appreciate all of you for putting your lives on the line to keep us safe in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. I am truly sorry for this tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.My heartfelt Sympathy, — Lori, Sherman Oaks
I wish to send my Deepest Sympathy to the Simmons and to the Los Angeles Police Officers Family as well in the loss veteran R. Simmons in the Winnetka. To the family of the injured officer, I’m hoping he’ll have a speedy recovery. “Please, All Of You Be Careful” — Portia O., Los Angeles
I want to express my deep felt condolences to the family of Officer Randal Simmons. I can only imagine the sorrow they must be going through at this time. I do share the fear as a father of the danger of being a police officer in today’s society. Having two sons, with a third waiting for an academy date, as police officers, I hardly sleep the nights they work as I fear for their safety. This has got to be the worst nightmare the family members of Officer Simmons are all going through along with their comrades at LAPD as well as all those in law enforcement throughout the US. To Officer Veenstra, I pray for a speedy recovery. To family members of Officer Simmons, I pray the God helps to heal you pain. Please know that he didn’t die in vain. We all appreciate and can’t thank those in law enforcement enough for their unselfish work to keep us all safe in our cities. — Robert K.
My prayers are with the family of Randall Simmons. May they have strength in this terrible time. He was a hero. God be with you. Be strong Officer Veenstra. You have my undying thanks and gratitude for your service. My prayers are with you for a fast recovery. — Pat L.
My father is a retired police officer of Minneapolis, MN and my heart goes out you all of you and your families. I know what it feels like to have that danger always there, whispering in the background. All my deepest, deepest sympathies and wishes. It’s such a great loss. There are simply no words strong enough to convey. Stay strong, have faith. Love and light — Lisa Odden
My heart and prayers goes out to the family of Officer Randy Simmons. Also, to Officer Veenstra and the Los Angeles Police Department. Especially to the Swat Unit. I know they are like a family, my husband was one. This is a horrible tragedy that should not have been. May GOD walk with all of them today. — Leslie, Los Angeles
My deepest sympathy and prayer go to the family of officer simmons whose way of life showed a truly man of god. I am personally affected since my daughter is a law officer, may God bless every man and women carring a badge and I’m hoping for the full recovery of the officer Veenstra. Thank you all for your bravery. –Joe F.
My thoughts are with the fine men and women of the LAPD…and the families of Officers Simmons and Veenstra. –Jim V.